Sorghum (Jowar) Baby Food

Yet another homemade cereal mix that you can prepare in advance and store. All it takes is a few minutes to cook the powder in liquid and make a smooth, creamy and nutritious cereal.

Sor….what you say?

Sorghum is a millet, the small-seeded cousin grasses of the grass that gives us bigger grains called cereals. Sorghum or jowar is not as tiny and is hence known as the Great Millet. Its nutritionally great too (high protein, high fibre, gluten free if you care, etc etc.) and as you and your baby are about to discover it tastes pretty great too.

Pop it first! Just like popcorn. I learnt from my grandma that they used to have jowar popcorn (or should it be popjowar!?) in their childhood. In my attempts to pop it, I once soaked it for a bit too long. Most of the grains failed to pop when roasted dry but what I ended up was a thoroughly soaked and dry roasted grains which I figured should be the best for baby food. Upon grinding I got a coarse-ish flour much like semolina but with a better nutritional profile. At this point you could cook it in water or milk all by itself or you can advance your mix with some peanuts as in the recipe below.


millet baby food sorghum jowar jowari

Baby food guidelines:

After you have introduced – Your baby shouldn’t be having any problem with the other cereals. in any case, this is a gluten free option so you could give it a try.

*Do not add peanuts if allergic, obviously.

Stage 1 (8-12 months) : Cook in water and natural sweeteners only.

Stage 2 (1 year +) : Cook in milk and use salt or sugar sparingly.


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Jowar and Peanuts Cereal
millet baby food sorghum jowar jowari
Course Baby food
Cuisine Baby Food
Prep Time 8-9 hours
Cook Time 5 minutes
Passive Time 8 hours
Course Baby food
Cuisine Baby Food
Prep Time 8-9 hours
Cook Time 5 minutes
Passive Time 8 hours
millet baby food sorghum jowar jowari
  1. To prepare the powder mix : 1) Soak the jowar for about 8 hours or overnight. Drain thoroughly and leave to air dry for some time 2) In a dry pan, roast the grains. Put the lid on and keep shaking the pan. Some of the grains may start to pop. Roast until all the moisture has evaporated and there is no more popping sound. Let it cool. 3) Powder the roasted grains into a fine powder in your blender. 4) Mix with the ground peanuts if using and store at room temperature in an airtight container To prepare the cereal. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of the powder in a cup of liquid and cook for about 3-4 minutes while whisking continuously until you get a smooth porridge. Adjust powder and liquid according to preference and add sweetener or salt as appropriate. Serve warm.
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