Pearl Millet and Sesame baby food mix

Open Sesame! Introduce your baby to yet another treasure trove of nutrients, the aptly named ‘pearl millets’ or ‘bajra’ in Hindi. This millet (tinier cousins of cereals) is a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and all things good. It is in fact one of those old grains that have been forgotten and gone into the back shelf in the pantry of human food consumption history. Time to dust it out, do a little prep before you store it and you will have a superb nutritious porridge ready in no time to feed your baby.


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Pearl Millet and Sesame baby food mix
An instant powder mix of pearl millet (bajra) and sesame (til/gingelly) seeds that can be cooked in milk to make a smooth porridge.
pearl millet bajra til sesame baby food recipe
Course Baby food
Cuisine Baby Food
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Passive Time 15 minutes
To Prepare the porridge
Course Baby food
Cuisine Baby Food
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Passive Time 15 minutes
To Prepare the porridge
pearl millet bajra til sesame baby food recipe
To Make the powder mix:
  1. 1) Add a tbsp of water to the whole bajra and mix well, this is to moisten the grains so they can be dehusked. Leave it for about ten minutes. The grains should not be all wet. 2) Pulse the moistened grains in a blender just 2-3 times. Remove into a tray / plate or a winnow if you have. 3) Gently shake and blow away the husk particles. 4) At this point, lightly roast the bajra if you want. I prefer not to do this. This will increase the cooking time a little bit but will result in a tastier porridge. 5) Powder the bajra into a very fine powder in your blender. 6) Powder the sesame seeds into a fine powder. Add a little of the powdered bajra to help the process and prevent it from becoming into a paste, which will happen if you blend too much. 7) Mix the two powders thoroughly and store in an airtight container for up to one month.
To prepare the porridge
  1. Add the powder to the milk and whisk thoroughly until dissolved. Now keep the pan on fire and bring to a boil while stirring continuously. Reduce the heat and continue to cook for about 5 minutes more until thick and creamy.
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