Barley and Dates Cereal
Homemade Mixes are the ultimate homemade baby food option. You know what you are putting in as you are making the mix yourself. You can buy it yourself, clean it …
An eclectic blog
Homemade Mixes are the ultimate homemade baby food option. You know what you are putting in as you are making the mix yourself. You can buy it yourself, clean it …
This is a perfect recipe for those initial weaning days when you have done the basic pureed bananas, apples and sweet potatoes. If it’s the fall season by this time …
Ok, I get it. As a mom, you have a million other things to do, getting the trash off the floor into the bin is an achievement in itself. Forget …
Starting up a new series close to my heart and story of my life in the past few years – home made baby food! All day err day – you …
Disclaimer: I am not a scholar of any level in the matters of fiqh or hadith or islamic sciences. Hence this is not a legal discussion. I will be merely …
This is a simple coloring and craft activity that you can do throughout the month of Ramadan which will help everybody in the family learn and memorize the beautiful names …
We all have non-chalantly repeated the classic nursery rhyme all through our childhood. And likely now our kids have them all on autoplay on YouTube on their personal iPads. But …
We all know the importance of reading to babies and kids. We have heard time and again how reading to kids at an early age is important to build stronger …
I always love a good kid friendly place. What if its a restaurant with a huge play area with lots of toys and activities for kids? That sounds awesome! So …